The currency of the future...

When the nuclear apocalypse comes, CAPS will be the reigning champion of currency. CAPS is available on the Solana chain and will be available for purchase on Raydium and Jupyter

Going live 4/20/2024...

a red bottle cap with a red cap
a red bottle cap with a red cap


bears exchanging bottle caps for goods
bears exchanging bottle caps for goods
  • Mint & Freeze Revoked

  • Liquidity Burn

  • 20% Airdropped

  • 2% Marketing

  • 8% Team

  • 70% Liquidity

Total Supply:


Token Address:



04/10/2024 to 04/15/2024 - Initial airdrop

Get your free airdrop (200,000 CAPS) for simply advertising CAPS on your social media account. Your account must have at least 250 verified followers and the post must remain live for at least 7 days. After 7 days you will receive 200,000 CAPS. Payment will be on a first come first server basis until we expend 100M CAPS from the initial airdrop offering.Follow the link at the top of this site to join our Discord server and find out more.

Bottle caps logo
Bottle caps logo


Raydium/Jupiter offering, liquidity will be $1000 initial and will be burned upon establishing.

TBD - Second airdrop

We will offer additional airdrops to CAPS holders a few months after start of the sale. Qualifications and exact date to be determined. This will be until we expend the additional 100M available for airdrop.